Our mission is to eliminate waste acids from the stainless steel industry.
What we do
We developed REGMAX®, a process to recover all waste acid contents, to enable a closed loop of materials being used during stainless steel pickling. Using our REGMAX® technology your company will benefit from:
- Highest Resource Efficiency
- > 90% OPEX Reduction
- Independency from Acid Supply
- Highest Flexibility for Pickling Operation
- Positive CSR Impact
Learn more about our process and our first two REGMAX plants being installed in Europe.
Who we are
We are team of experts specializing in acid regeneration plants and the pickling process. We have developed a process for the total recovery of mixed acids from stainless steel pickling. With this new process, we offer tailor-made solutions for your company to lower your operation costs and to to make your pickling operation "green".
Why we do it
Our drive at SUSTEC is to develop solutions lowering both your environmental impact and your operational costs. We identified stainless steel pickling as a process step with huge improvement potential, since until today, it has caused environmental problems and wasted valuable resources. Our vision was to develop a technology that would eliminate all the waste streams generated during stainless steel pickling. Today, we can offer the REGMAX® technology, a solution to turn your pickling waste into fresh resources.
Highest Acid Regeneration Efficiency
Cost Savings
Clean Water
Metal Recovery
Conservation of Resources
About our work
We keep you up to date with our latest company news! Find more information about our industry, steel pickling solutions, new technologies or sustainability topics in the Infos & Updates area.
#Major stainless steel producer chooses REGMAX® Technology
European stainless-steel mill becomes second customer of our REGMAX® technology, to turn their pickling waste acid into valuable resources.
REGMAX® Solution
#REGMAX nominated as net zero compatible innovation
REGMAX was nominated as one of thoused solutions by the Mission Innovation.
Pilot Project Germany
#World’s 1st REGMAX® Plant
A mid sized german stainless-steel mill is the first customer of our REGMAX® technology to turn their pickling waste acid into valuable resources.
Press Archive
*A Prototypical Waste Recycling Process Could Clean Up the Stainless Steel Industry
E4C 02.02.2019 - The new process confers environmental benefits by eliminating waste, and economic benefits by reducing the need to buy new acids and other materials.
REGMAX® Solution
*REGMAX Labled as Efficient Solution
Solar Impuls Foundation lables our REGMAX technology with the "Efficient Solution Label"
*REGMAX technology prestented at MI-4
SUSTEC's REGMAX technology has very positiv impact on green house gas emission and is therfore being presented at Mission Innovation's MI-4 in Vancover, Canada.
Press Archive
*Success Story: REGMAX >> Grüner Edelstahl!
ffg.at 21.01.2019 - In einem "Horizon 2020"-Projekt entwickelt ein Start-up aus Klosterneuburg einen umweltfreundlichen Beizprozess.
*SUSTEC at G-STIC 2018
SUSTEC invited to Gobal Sustainable Technology & Innovation Confernce 2018
H2020 SME Instrument
2nd REGMAX® started acid operation in Q12020
Our Upsacled REGMAX technology became operationl in Q1 2020
Press Archive
35 Start-ups die Sie kennen sollten
factorynet.at 06.06.2016 -Von einer hybriden Drohne über fühlende Roboter, einem speziellen Neuschneegenerator bis hin zu einem Beizprozess, der die Edelstahlbranche revolutioniert. 35 Start-ups, die die Technikwelt verändern.
Press Archive
Edelstahl in Säure baden und die Umwelt schonen
diepresse.com 05.08.2016 - Metallindustrie. Die Entsorgung von Säuren, die in der Stahlproduktion anfallen, ist problematisch. Österreichische Erfinder können die giftige Flusssäure und Salpetersäure wiederverwendbar machen.
Technology Background
Mixed Acid Regeneration with Sprayroasting
Reaction Mechansim and Related Problems
Press Archive
Promising Prototypes to Watch in 2019
E4C 29.01.2019 - The technologies that improve lives in the world’s underserved communities are born as prototypes that evolve through testing and tinkering in workshops, laboratories and garages. We polled our network of engineering experts in search of the next important products in global development. Each of their recommendations is designed to meet a basic need in the world’s underserved communities. And each has the potential to someday change people’s lives around the world. These are promising prototypes to watch in the year ahead.
Press Archive
La Tribune Hebdo 06.12.2018 - Pour un décapage industriel moins polluant
Technology Background
Stainless Steel Pickling Process
Reaction Mechanism and Environmental Impact of Stainless Steel Pickling
H2020 SME Instrument
SUSTEC among 57 top-class innovators selected for funding under EIC SME Instrument
A total of 57 small and medium-sized companies form 17 countries have been selected for funding under the latest round of the SME Instrument. This is the first round of small businesses selected under the recently launched European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot.
SUSTEC and the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions
SUSTEC is Founding Member of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions.
SUSTEC at Green Chemistry Conference 2018
SUSTEC was invited to present its REGMAX(R) technology during the Green Chemistry Conference 2018 in Vienna
Press Archive
Sustec: Ein Start-up macht den Beizprozess umweltfreundlich
factorynet.at 27.09.2016 - Gut für die Umwelt und die Geldbörse: Dem Klosterneuburger Start-up Sustec ist es gelungen den Beizprozess von Edelstahl soweit zu optimieren, dass nicht nur Ressourcen gespart werden, sondern auch kein giftiger Metallschlamm mehr entsteht.
REGMAX® Solution
We’re part of #TheFirst500 labelled solutions of the @Solar Impulse Foundation.
Press Archive
Who are the 50 first labelled Solar Impulse Efficient Solutions?
bertrandpicard.com 08.10.2018