Nachhaltigkeit, REGMAX® Solution

*REGMAX technology prestented at MI-4

SUSTEC's REGMAX technology has very positiv impact on green house gas emission and is therfore being presented at Mission Innovation's MI-4 in Vancover, Canada.

Mission Innovation is a global initiative of 23 countries and the European Union to dramatically accelerate global clean energy innovation. Hosted by the Government of Canada, MI-4 brings together ministers, business leaders and innovators to share ideas, best practices and to facilitate collaboration towards the development of affordable and sustainable clean energy solutions.

A Framework for Assessing Avoided Emissions has been developed. This is designed to support the identification of solutions that have significant ability, or potential, to contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions in society, helping to attract greater engagement and investment for these solutions and accelerate their deployment.

SUSTEC's REGMAX(R) solution is one out of 100 solutions being present at MI-4 as part of the Mission Innovation Solution Framework. These 100 solutions will each have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10 million CO2e/year or more by 2030 and/or be of strategic importance. The REGMAX solutions impact was assesed by the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), together with the Swedish Energy Authority and the Carbon Trust.

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