Sustainability, REGMAX® Solution

SUSTEC at Green Chemistry Conference 2018

SUSTEC was invited to present its REGMAX(R) technology during the Green Chemistry Conference 2018 in Vienna

As a final event of the programme “Smart and Sustainable Europe”, prepared by the EU Trio Presidency (EE-BG-AT) as their contribution to the achievement of the Global Sustainable Development Goals within Europe, a conference on Green Chemistry was held on November 5th - 6th, 2018.

The conference on Green Chemistry brought together experts in chemical science and technology, industry and policy to present the current status of Green Chemistry worldwide and in the European Union. It also provided an opportunity for the participants to consider and discuss options for aligning two approaches: chemicals control and sustainable chemical evolution (Green Chemistry), in order to make our society fit for sustainable living with chemicals in a less toxic world.

Part of the conference was dedicated to a presentation of Green Chemistry Startups. SUSTEC presented its REGMAX technology during the Green Chemistry Startup-Session and in related exhibition.

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